Category Archives: fraud

Warning about section 420 fraud pathological liar ntro, google, tata employees

All internet users should be aware of the fact that google, tata employees are SHAMELESS section 420 fraud pathological liars in the indian internet sector repeating their complete lies like parrots for 7 years and are falsely claiming that goan SEX workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never made any money online are online experts, domain investors to get all these lazy fraud women a monthly indian government salary
financial records will easily prove that ntro, cbi, google, tata employees are born frauds and liars as who are repeating their lies and are worse than nigerian fraudsters as none of these women have made any money online in their life , yet the indian government blindly believes the complete lies of fraudster tata employees, wastes tax payer money on google, tata sponsored call girls, cheaters and liars who falsely claim to be online experts

Radiation torture fraud worse than nigerian fraud in India

NTRO is misusing radiation weapons to cause great pain to harmless indian citizen in a fraud which is far bigger than the nigerian 419 fraud. At least the targetted victims of the 419 fraud have a choice, they can ignore the email and refuse to pay any money, to ensure that they do not lose any money at all.
However harmless indian citizens targetted by ntro employees with the radiation weapons have no choice at all, cannot end the pain, the ntro employees can target them wherever they are, remaining invisible and cannot be held accountable.
In addition to enduring a lot of pain , the directed energy or radiation torture also causes a lot of financial losses as the victim is unable to do any kind of work online and offline.

NTRO officials are greater financial frauds than Nigerian fraudsters

The arrogant and powerful NTRO officials fail to realize that their resume theft fraud and fake claims has resulted in some indian domain investors categorizing them in the same category as Nigerian 419 fraudsters sending emails to make quick money. To enjoy free sex and get jobs, quick money for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends, the NTRO officials are shamelessly making completely fake claims about domain, paypal account, asset ownership .
Unlike the nigerian fraudsters these NTRO officials cannot be identified or held accountable, however the kind of fraud and losses caused are similar or even greater. For the nigerian fraudsters, a person has a choice he or she can ignore the emails, for resume, correspondence theft by ntro officials, there is nothing the victim can do about it.
The victim of resume theft, will realize the problem very late, only after the resume theft, correspondence theft has taken place months ago. These NTRO officials do not realize that their endless fraud has affected their image and credibility, now the resume theft victim treats them on par with nigerian fraudsters whose emails are to be ignored, because these shameless fraud ntro officials, their sex partners, relatives and friends will never purchase the domain names, websites, paying the market price, yet falsely claim that goan SEX WORKERS, CHEATER HOUSEWIVES AND OTHER FRAUDS who do not spend any money own the websites, domain names to get a monthly indian government salary

Why do the financial fraudster NTRO officials expect any respect from domain investors when they are openly involved in a financial fraud for more than 7 years.

Investment spam email RE: KINDLY GET BACK TO ME


I found your email from internet. I have a question for you…are you still reachable at this email?

I am interested in establishing and operating a very viable business as a means of Investment Abroad. I do not know too well on how this is done in your country, but I believe you can put me through with good advice.

My preference is any good profit yielding business and I would appreciate any viable ideas you could come up with. I will divulge more information to you and tell you about myself when I hear back from you.

Kindly write back to my personal email below.

Thank you, God bless!

Best Regards,
William Goodwill

Section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi officials expect their victim to keep quiet

After exploiting a domain investor to get permanent R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends and sex partners Section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi officials expect the domain investor and engineer to quietly tolerate the fraud for the rest of her life and are worse than nigerian fraudsters .
the cunning fraud agarwals who promoted the lazy greedy blackmailer MBA HR ruchika to get a R&AW job faking a btech 1993 ee degree are now trying to cover up their fraud saying that it was circumstances, actually a well planned fraud of the agarwals, nayak, hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodnekar, deepika, mahesh, parmar to steal the resume, investment of a harmless single woman engineer and get their lazy greedy fraud sex worker, mediocre relatives permanent indian government jobs with fake resume , fake work, fake investment.
If these google, tata sponsored section 420 fraud indian intelligence employees were honest, they would have purchased the domain names and websites, opened their own paypal account , yet these criminal powerful fraud indian intelligence and security agency officials are least interested in doing any work online, only interested in making fake allegations without any proof at all, and then taking credit for work they do not do , and money they do not spend

Security and intelligence agencies involved in a major fashion fraud

In India security and intelligence agencies are involved in a major fraud judging the education and wealth of a person based on her appearance, clothes she wears and the fashion style.
While this way of judging women may be applicable to women who are married to wealthy and powerful men, this method of judging women is extremely unfair to educated and financially independent women who may not care or have time for purchasing expensive clothes.
Just because a woman is ugly, not well groomed and not fashionable, indian intelligence and security agencies officials will harass, defame, torture her with microwave weapons, causing great pain, trying to murder her especially if she is a domain investor
The government has promoted the slogal Beti Padao, Beti bachao, however indian intelligence and security agencies in goa are ruthless in stalking and trying to murder educated indian women, particularly women engineers to steal her resume for google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees.

Cruel criminal officials attack harmless shoppers in panaji, goa with microwave weapons

Microwave radiation weapons are extremely powerful and dangerous, the pain is far more than that caused by slapping. However in panaji, goa especially market area, some cruel criminal mentally unsound security, ntro officials have been given control of these weapons and they are ruthless in attacking harmless indian citizens shopping , causing microwave burns and great pain, making it difficult to do any work, sleep, affecting the health .
These cruel criminal corrupt government employees are getting a good salary from the government, yet they are freelancing for large corporates like the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata and misusing the expensive weapons to attack harmless civilians as ordered by these corporates to destroy competition, murder them causing cancer, after repeated microwave attacks.
The latest major criminal attack of these cruel officials on a harmless domain investor took place on 13 october 2016 at around 5 pm in the panaji market area while she was shopping. Any information on the name, designation, salary, address of the official who initiated the cruel criminal attack will be greatly appreciated and rewarded. Please send details to . Lawyers who can help the victim get justice can also contact.

Cunning fraud ntro official puneet’s method similar to nigerian fraudsters

Now it is obvious that the cunning fraud ntro official puneet’s modus operandi in exploiting, cheating and stealing the resume of his btech 1993 EE classmate is very similar to the nigerian fraudsters. He used voice to skull technology to threaten and create an atmosphere of fear, forcing his classmate to drop all her lucrative domain names and keep quiet when he, j srinivasan, vijay, spread false rumors that sex workers siddhi, sunaina and other frauds were doing work online
Voice to skull technology was used to promise her that she would get some good post or assignment, if she kept quiet and allowed the lazy greedy mediocre goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds take credit, so that all these frauds got good jobs at her expense.
When she would protest, voice to skull technology was used to taunt her, that she would be hospitalized, get an ailment, and that no company would give her anything at all. Additionally the cruel fraud ntro official j srinivasan, hathwar, kodancha also used microwave radiation to torture her, cause great pain , whenever she would do any work on the computer, especially save any file, forcing her to avoid doing any work.

After being defrauded for more than 6 years, the engineer has realized that puneet and his associates are great frauds who are least interested in helping her in any way at all, they only want to exploit, cheat her to the maximum extent possible. They are very good at creating an atmospher of fear, pretending to help her when they actually hate her .As a small business owner, she never expected anything from the government or any company , so why have any expectation or worry about the future.

She can easily prove that google, tata employees are spending far more time online, when they do not have any “ailment”, on what basis will these officials and companies falsely claim that she has an ailment for using the internet for less than 3 hours a day . In India rules are same for all indian citizens, officials cannot falsely claim that an employee spending 8 hours online is normal, and a person spending one hour online is addicted to the internet to deny the person his or her rights, there is no logic.

These officials can continue to misuse voice to skull technology to taunt, humiliate her, learning to ignore the voices, message is a new skill she requires. However the diversion of correspondence to fraud indian intelligence employees should end at the earliest.

Gujju patel domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel, worse than nigerian fraudsters

Indians lose a lot of money to nigerian fraudsters because the indian government is giving great powers, and a monthly salary to lazy greedy mediocre cunning frauds like R&AW employee asmita patel, who is far worse than the nigerian fraudsters
There is no limit to the endless frauds of the shameless fraud pathological liar google, tata officials as they ruthless defame, cheat, exploit and deny opportunities to india’s largest female domain investor , a obc single woman engineer, falsely claiming that lazy greedy frauds like the gujju patel domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel, who does not spend a single penny on domain names, is a domain investor to get the fraud asmita patel a monthly R&AW salary of $300 for making FAKE CLAIMS and flirting with the shameless top officials
The fact that senior google, tata, ntro officials are pathological liars and shameless section 420 frauds can be proved because they falsely thatd the patel domain fraudster owns this domain name, an open question to these section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro officials if the patel fraudster owned this domain name, would she allow the news of her DOMAIN FRAUD to be published on the website.
The cunning shameless patel domain fraudster R&AW employee asmita patel and her fraud associates appear to have duped the navy that she owns websites, domains, when the section 420 fraud R&AW employee asmita patel does not have the honesty, humanity or decency to pay the market price of the domain names, yet greedily and shamelessly like a NIGERIAN FRAUD is taking a monthly R&AW salary of $300 or more for falsely claiming to own domain names of a obc single woman engineer, to deny the engineer and real domain investor the opportunities she deserved,
If R&AW employee asmita patel had any honesty, she would purchase the domain names, or resign from her R&AW job, so that the real domain investor would not be denied the opportunities she deserved.